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Vanderbilt Beach Park

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Vanderbilt Beach Park

Vanderbilt Beach Hurricane Restoration Project Update
The Vanderbilt Beach Hurricane Restoration Project is a multi-million dollar restoration project that encompasses the beach access drive, boardwalks, bathroom building, parking garage, small beach accesses and other minor damaged elements from Hurricane Ian.  A project of this size and along the beach has specific regulatory requirements regarding design, permitting and contracting the work and a good deal of effort has gone into coordination with FEMA and our insurance company to minimize the out of pocket costs for Collier County taxpayers.

We apologize that it has taken this long but and ensure you that we have been working this project and the dozens of other Hurricane Ian related restoration project nonstop since the storm. With a nearly complete set of blueprints we will be getting the project bid out contractors very soon. We have heard public feedback regarding the elevator and pulled it from
the larger project in order the have it completely restored on a shorter timeline.

Vanderbilt Beach Park is one of the most popular beach accesses, because it is in a prime location near upscale hotels and in the popular North Naples area. Vanderbilt Beach offers wide space for all visitors, gorgeous white sand surroundings, sea oats and rest room access. During season (tourist months) this popular beach offers plenty of sun and sand for all, but parking can be best secured prior to 10 a.m. January through March. This beach offers a dedicated parking garage and on street parking, a short walk from the beach, if you arrive early enough!

Facility Amenities

Foot Showers
Parking Garage Availability
Bike Racks
Life Jacket Loaner Program

General Information

Open Year Round 8 a.m. to Sunset

Guest Information

Family Friendly
5 Acre Beach Park
$10 Pay to Park fee without Collier County Resident Beach Parking Permit
No Dogs Permitted

Payment Options

Credit Cards


  • Park Hours Monday through Sunday: Dawn – Dusk
  • Questions call Collier County Parks & Recreation Division at 239.252.4000

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